Managing fields on the create issue form

When you create a new Jira issue from Intercom, the app tries to render the same Jira issue fields as when you create a new issue in Jira. If you would like to add or remove fields to or from the create issue form you have to configure your Screens in Jira. This page will walk you through this process.

Jira administrator rights required

Instructions on this page require you to have Jira administrator permissions. If you are not a Jira administrator yourself please contact your Jira administrator to run through these steps.

From the Jira home screen click the cog icon in the top right (1) corner and then select Issues (2).

After that, select Screens (1) in the left-hand menu and use the search field (2) to find the screen that you would like to configure. Jira typically comes with one to two screens per project/issue type however your setup may vary based on your configuration.

Once you have found the right screen for the project and issue type (the default screen may apply) click Configure (3) in the actions column to edit the screen.

Add any fields that you would like to show up in the Intercom app using the select box (1) at the bottom of the page. Remove any field that you do not like to show up by hovering over the respective row and clicking Remove (2). For more details on how to configure screens in Jira have a look at the documentation on how to define and configure Screens.

Note that the field order may not be the same in Intercom (see section on caveats below).


The configuration steps described on this page have a few caveats. Please read through this section carefully to understand them.

Changing Jira screen configuration: This may be obvious but please be aware that changing the Jira screen configuration and adding or removing fields not only affects the create issue form in the Intercom app but also your views in Jira (e.g. the create issue dialog in Jira).

Not all fields can be rendered by the Intercom app: Note that there are Jira fields that cannot be rendered by the Intercom app, even if they are configured on the screen. Most of the time the reason for this is the lack of user interface elements in the Intercom app framework. Examples of not renderable fields include: issue reporter, assignee or labels.

Field order not respected: Due to some Jira API limitations it is currently not possible to render the Jira fields in the same order as defined on the screen. Unfortunately, fields appear in a not defined order in the Intercom app.

Last updated