Inspecting app information
When the Intercom app was first installed you were prompted to set up a connection to your Jira instance. This connection consists of an app user and the connected Jira site (instance). Unfortunately, once the app is installed, you are not able to easily identify these properties anymore. This page explains how you can retrieve this information and additional features of the app info screen.
Start by clicking on the App info (1) button on the app's home screen.
On the app info screen you can easily identify which Jira site (1) the app is connected to and which Jira user is acting as the app user (2).
Resetting the app configuration
The following steps explain how to reset the app configuration for this Intercom app. Note that this configuration lives in your Jira instance and not in Intercom and may have been generated by Intercom for Jira (the companion app to this app), if you have used it before. If you have never configured app settings in Jira this operation will not do anything and is harmless.
In most cases you will not have to reset the app configuration. Please only reset the app configuration if you have been asked to do so or you know what you are doing.
Typically you would want to reset the app configuration if you have been using Intercom for Jira before and you have configured some default setting that you would like to clear.
Start by opening the app info screen as described at the beginnig of this page. Ater that, click Reset app configuration (1) on the app info screen.
The app will now show an information screen to explain that it requires additional permissions. To delete the app configuration the Intercom app needs the Manage project settings permission which the app does not request on a typical app installation.
Pleaes take note of the currently connected Jira site URL (1). You will be asked to select it from a dropdown field in the next step.
Click Start authorization (2) to start the authorization process.
You are now redirected to the Atlassian authorization screen. Notice, the additional Manage project settings (1) permission. All other permissions were already granted previously when you first installed the app.
Select the currently connected Jira site from the Authorize for (2) dropdown field as indicated in the previous step. You you forgot to take note, switch back to your Intercom browser tab - the information should still be visible there.
Click Accept (3) to continue.
On successful authorization you will be redirected to Intercom. You will now likely have two Intercom tabs open. Feel free to close one of them and refresh the browser page in the other.
If the Intercom app asks you which Jira site you would like to connect to, please select the same Jira site as used in the previous steps.
Restart the app configuration reset process by clicking App info > Reset app configuration.
This time, the app will ask for your confirmation to reset the app configuration. If you are sure that you would like to reset the app configuration type Reset (1) in the input field and click Reset (2).
If the reset process is successful, you will see a confimration screen. Click Done to complete the process.
The app has now removed the Intercom app configuration from your Jira instance. If you wish to remove the Manage project settings permission granted during this process feel free to uninstall and then re-install the Intercom app. On re-installation the app will not ask for the Manage project settings permission anymore. Note that this is a completely safe operation to do. You will not lose any data or links in the process.
Last updated