Managing the Intercom app configuration

This page explains the configuration options for the free-of-charge Intercom companion app. Note that configuration options are specific to each Jira project and focus on easing issue creation for Intercom teammates.

If you do not have the Intercom app installed in your Intercom workspace, changing these settings will not have any effect.

From the Jira home screen, click Projects (1) in the main navigation menu and select the project that you would like to configure (2). After the project page is loaded, choose Project settings (3) in the left-hand menu, then scroll down to find and click on Apps -> Intercom integration. This loads the Intercom integration settings page.

Click the Intercom integration (1) tab to configure the Intercom app settings for this Jira project.

Setting a default issue type

To set a default issue type, open the Intercom integration settings as described at the top of this page.

Find Default issue type in the list of configuration options and select the default issue type that should be chosen by the app when an Intercom teammate creates a new Jira issue.

The app will skip the issue type selection step for this particular Jira project. The Intercom teammate can still change the issue type on the create issue form if they need to.

Last updated