Searching and reporting

As you link Intercom conversations to Jira issues it becomes more and more important to be able to search and report on those links. Maybe you would like to understand which Jira issues have the most links such that you can prioritize your work. Or, you want to find issues that are linked to a specific Intercom conversation.

Intercom for Jira provides a Jira Query Language (JQL) integration that allows you to search, filter, and report issues based on linked Intercom conversation ids or the number of linked Intercom conversations.

Follow the steps in the Jira documentation on how to open advanced search. After that paste, any of the following example queries into the query editor.

Configuring Jira issue fields

Intercom for Jira provides two types of read-only issue fields that allow you to view and export linked Intercom conversation data for Jira issues. This is useful if you are planning on exporting issue data from Jira and would like to, for example, fetch related conversation data from Intercom in a downstream system.

Intercom data is not stored in Jira The app does not store any Intercom data, other than the linked conversation ids, in Jira. As a result, it is not possible to export or display any other Intercom data via Jira.

The app exposes the following issue fields:

  • Number of linked Intercom conversations Shows the number of linked Intercom conversations for a Jira issue.

  • Linked Intercom conversation ids Shows the linked Intercom conversation ids as a comma-separated string.

You can choose to render the issue fields either on the issue screen itself or as a column in the issue navigator.

Rendering as an issue field

Adding an issue field allows you to see linked conversation data in the issue view and as a field on data exports. Follow the instructions below depending on whether you are configuring the field for a team-managed or a company-managed Jira project.

Follow the instructions on how to add a custom field to your screens. Look for the field called Number of linked Intercom conversations or Linked Intercom conversation ids.

Adding a column to issue navigator

Adding a column to the issue navigator will allow you to see the number of linked conversations or their ids in search results, exports, and printouts.

Follow the instructions in the Atlassian docs on how to configure columns of default issue navigator. When you search for a column look for Number of linked Intercom conversations or Linked Intercom conversation ids.

Finding issues by Intercom conversation id

You can find Jira issues linked to one or more Intercom conversation ids by using thelinkedIntercomConversationId field.

Field Properties



Field Type




Supported operators

= , != , IS , IS NOT, IN , NOT IN


Find all Jira issues linked to Intercom conversation with id 42

linkedIntercomConversationId = 42

Find all Jira issues linked to Intercom conversation with id 42, 43 or 44

linkedIntercomConversationId IN (42, 43, 44)

Find all Jira issues that have no Intercom conversation links

linkedIntercomConversationId = EMPTY

Finding issues by number of linked conversations

This JQL field allows you to find Jira issues based on the number of Intercom conversations linked to an issue.

Field Properties



Field Type




Supported operators

= , != , < , <= , > , >= , IS , IS NOT, IN , NOT IN


Find all Jira issues with more than 5 Intercom conversation links

linkedIntercomConversationCount > 5

Creating more complex queries

You can further refine the query examples shown above by combining them with standard JQL query features.


List all Jira issues of project ENG ordered by the number of linked Intercom conversations

project = ENG ORDER BY linkedIntercomConversationCount DESC

Find all Jira issues of project ENG that are linked to Intercom conversation with id 42

project = ENG AND linkedIntercomConversationId = 42

Find all Jira issues of project ENG that are resolved and have linked Intercom conversations

project = ENG AND linkedIntercomConversationId IS NOT EMPTY

Last updated